Years: 2025・2024・2023・2022・2021・2008-2020
Cortell-Nicolau, A., Carrignon, S., Rodíguez-Palomo, I., Hromada, D., Kahlenberg, R., Mes, A., et al. (2025). Assessing quantitative methods in archaeology via simulated datasets: The Archaeoriddle challenge. Concept, project and motivations. Journal of Archaeological Science, 177, 106179. [url][pdf][code]
Vieri, J., Crema, E. R., Uribe Villegas, M. A., Sáenz Samper, J., & Martinón-Torres, M. (2025). Beyond baselines of performance: Beta regression models of compositional variability in craft production studies. Journal of Archaeological Science, 173, 106106.[url][pdf] [code]
Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Tan, L., Crema, E. R., Tian, Y., & Wang, Z. (2025). A comparative analysis of stone- and earth-wall settlement locations of the Lower Xiajiadian Culture in Aohan Banner, China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 17(1), 18. [URL][Request a copy)][code]
Bogaard, A., Ortman, S., Birch, J., Quequezana, G. C., Chirikure, S., Crema, E. R., et al. (2024). The Global Dynamics of Inequality (GINI) project: analysing archaeological housing data. Antiquity, 98(397) e6. [url][pdf]
Cao, D., Crema, E.R., Pomeroy, E. (2024). Estimating intralimb proportions for commingled remains. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. [url][pdf][code]
Carrignon, S., Crema, E. R., Kandler, A., & Shennan, S. (2024). Postmarital residence rules and transmission pathways in cultural hitchhiking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(48), e2322888121.[URL][pdf][code]
Crema, E. R. (2024). A Bayesian alternative to Aoristic analyses in archaeology. Archaeometry. [url][pdf][code]
Crema, E. R., Bortolini, E., Lake,M. (2024). How Cultural Transmission Through Objects Impacts Inferences About Cultural Evolution. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 31, 202-226. [url][pdf][code]
Crema, E.R., Bloxam, A., Stevens, C., Vander Linden, M. (2024). Modelling diffusion of innovation curves using radiocarbon data. Journal of Archaeological Science, 165, 105962. [url][pdf][code]
Crema, E.R., Carrignon, S., Shoda, S., Stevens, C. (2024). Regional variations in the demographic response to the arrival of rice farming in prehistoric Japan. Antiquity 98(401),1290-1305.[url][pdf][code]
Goodman, J. R., Crema, E.R, Nolan, F., Cohen, E., & Foley, R. A. (2024). Evidence that cultural groups differ in their abilities to detect fake accents. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 6, e46. [urk][pdf][code]
Lundy et al. (2024). Culinary continuity in central Japan across the transition to agriculture. Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences,16:97. [url][pdf][code]
Riris,P., Silva F., Crema, E.R., Palmisano, A., Robinson, E., et al. (2024). Frequent disturbances enhanced the resilience of past human populations. Nature, 629, 837–842 (2024) [url][pdf][code]
Kudo, Y., Sakamoto, M. Hakozaki, M., Stevens, C, Crema, E.R. (2023). An archaeological radiocarbon database of Japan. Journal of Open Archaeology Data 11:11, pp 1-9, [url][pdf][code]
Bradford, D. J., Crema, E. R. (2022). Risk factors for the occurrence of sexual misconduct during archaeological and anthropological fieldwork. American Anthropologist,124(3),548-559. [url][request copy][preprint]
Crema, E.R., (2022). Statistical Inference of Prehistoric Demography from Frequency Distributions of Radiocarbon Dates: A Review and a Guide for the Perplexed. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 29, 1387–1418 [url][pdf][code]
Crema, E. R., Stevens, C. J., & Shoda, S. (2022). Bayesian analyses of direct radiocarbon dates reveal geographic variations in the rate of rice farming dispersal in prehistoric Japan. Science Advances, 8(38), eadc9171. [url][pdf][code]
Krzyzanska, M., Hunt, V.H., Crema, E.R., Jones, M.K. (2022) Modelling the potential ecological niche of domesticated buckwheat in China: archaeological evidence, environmental constraints and climate change. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.,31,331-345 [url] [pdf][code]
Prentiss, A.M., Edinborough, K., Crema, E. R., Kuijt, I., Goodale, N., Ryan, E., et al. (2022). Divergent population dynamics in the middle to late Holocene lower Fraser valley and mid-Fraser canyon, British Columbia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 44, 103512. [url/code/pdf][request copy]
Silva, F., Coward, F., Davies, K., Elliott, S., Jenkins, E., Newton, A. C., et al. (2022). Developing Transdisciplinary Approaches to Sustainability Challenges: The Need to Model Socio-Environmental Systems in the Longue Durée. Sustainability, 14(16), 10234. [url/pdf]
Stevens, C. J., Crema, E. R., & Shoda, S. (2022). The importance of wild resources as a reflection of the resilience and changing nature of early agricultural systems in East Asia and Europe. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10.[url] [pdf] [code]
Bevan, A., Crema, E.R.(2021). Modifiable reporting unit problems and time series of long-term human activity, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 376(1816), 20190726 [url][pdf][code]
Brown, A., Crema, E.R. (2021). Maori Population Growth in Pre-contact New Zealand: Regional Population Dynamics Inferred From Summed Probability Distributions of Radiocarbon Dates, Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology,16(2-4), 572-590 [url][pdf][code]
Crema, E.R., Bevan, A. (2021). Inference from large sets of radiocarbon dates: software and methods, Radiocarbon, 63, 23-39. [url][pdf][code]
Crema, E.R., Shoda, S. (2021). A Bayesian approach for fitting and comparing demographic growth models of radiocarbon dates: A case study on the Jomon-Yayoi transition in Kyushu (Japan), Plos One, 16(5): e0251695.[url][pdf][code]
Di Napoli, R.J., Crema, E.R., Lipo, C.P., Rieth, T.M., Hunt, T.L. (2021).Approximate Bayesian Computation of radiocarbon and paleoenvironmental record shows population resilience on Rapa Nui (Easter Island). Nature Communications, 12, Article number: 3939. [url] [pdf][code]
Kim, H., Lee, G.A., Crema, E.R.. (2021). Bayesian analyses question the role of climate in Chulmun demography. Scientific Reports,11, Article number: 23797. [url][pdf][code]
Bell, L., Crema, E.R. , Bunting, J., Madella, M. (2018). Simulating vegetation in ancient Japan using HuMPol: a pollen-based multi-scenario modeling approach. PAGES Magazine, 26, 22-23.[url/pdf]
Bevan, A, Crema, E.R., Li, Xiuzhen, and Palmisano, A. (2013). Intensities, Interactions and Uncertainties: Some New Approaches to Archaeological Distributions. In Bevan, A. and Lake, M. (eds.) Computational Approaches to Archaeological Space. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press. 27-52.[url][request copy]
Bevan, A., Crema, E.R. (2014) Une modélisation géographiquement explicite d’interaction culturelle. Dialectes crétois modernes, archéologie de l’âge de bronze. Les Nouvelles de l’Archéologie, 135, 45-50 [url][pdf]
Biagetti, S., Alcaina-Mateos, J., Crema, E.R. (2016). A matter of ephemerality. The study of Kel Tadrart campsites via quantitative spatial analysis. Ecology and Society 21 (1): 42 [url][pdf] [code]
Biagetti, S., Merlo, S., Adam, E., Lobo, A., Conesa, F.C., Knight, J., Bekrani, H., Crema, E.R., Alcaina-Mateos, J., Madella, M., (2017). High and Medium Resolution Satellite Imagery to Evaluate Late Holocene Human–Environment Interactions in Arid Lands: A Case Study from the Central Sahara. Remote Sensing 9, 351.[url][pdf]
Bortolini, E., Pagani, L., Crema, E.R., Sarno, S., Barbieri, C., Boattini, A., Sazzini, M., Silva, S.G. da, Martini, G., Metspalu, M., Pettener, D., Luiselli, D., Tehrani, J.J., (2017). Inferring patterns of folktale diffusion using genomic data. PNAS 201614395. [url][pdf]
Colledge, S., Conolly, J. Crema, E.R., Shennan, S. (2019) Neolithic population crash in northwest Europe associated with agricultural crisis. Quaternary Research,92(3),686-707. [url][request copy]
Crema, E.R., (2011). Aoristic approaches and voxel models for spatial analysis. In: Jerem, E.,Redo, F. & Szeverényi, V. (Eds.) On the road to reconstructing the past. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference, Budapest, April 2-6, 2008. Budapest: Archeolingua, pp.179-186.[url/pdf]
Crema, E.R., (2012) Modelling temporal uncertainty in archaeological analysis. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory,19, 440-461.[url][request copy]
Crema E.R. (2013). Cycles of change in Jomon settlement: a case study from Eastern Tokyo Bay. Antiquity, 87, 1169-1181 [url][request copy]
Crema E.R. (2014). A simulation model of fission-fusion dynamics and long-term settlement change. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory , 21, 385-404.[url][code][request copy]
Crema E.R. (2015). Modeling settlement rank-size fluctuations. In Wurzer, G. Kowarik, K. and Reschreiter, H. (eds.) Agent-based modeling and Simulation in Archaeology. Advances in Geographic Information Science, Springer, pp.161-181.[url][request copy]
Crema, E.R. (2015). Time and probabilistic reasoning in Settlement Analysis. In Barceló, J.A., Bogdanovic, I. (Eds.) Mathematics in Archaeology, CRC Press, pp. 314-334.[url][request copy]
Crema, E.R., Bevan, A., Shennan, S.(2017). Spatio-temporal approaches to archaeological radiocarbon dates. Journal of Archaeological Science 87, 1-9. [url][request copy][code]
Crema, E.R. (2018). Statistical Inference and Archaeological Simulations, The SAA Archaeological Record,18(2), 20-23.[url][pdf]
Crema, E.R. (2020). Non-Stationarity and Local Spatial Analysis. In Archaeological Spatial Analysis: A Methodological Guide, M. Gillings, P. Hacıgüzeller and G. Lock (Eds.), Springer, pp 155-168.[url][request copy]
Crema, E.R., Bevan, A. and Lake, M. (2010). A probabilistic framework for assessing spatiotemporal point patterns in the archaeological record. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37, 1118-1130.[url][request copy]
Crema, E.R., Bianchi, E. (2013). Looking for patterns in the noise: non-site spatial analysis at Sebkha Kalbia (Tunisia). In Mulazzani, S. (Ed.) Le Capsien de hergla (Tunisie). Culture, environnement et économie. Frankfurt: Africa Magna Verlag, pp. 385-395.[url][request copy]
Crema, E.R., Edinborough, K., Kerig, T., Shennan, S. (2014) An Approximate Bayesian Computation approach for inferring patterns of cultural evolutionary change. Journal of Archaeological Science, 50, 160-170.[url/code][pdf]
Crema, E.R. ,Habu, J., Kobayashi, K., Madella, M. (2016). Summed Probability Distribution of 14C Dates Suggests Regional Divergences in the Population Dynamics of the Jomon Period in Eastern Japan. PloS ONE 11(4): e0154809[url][pdf)][code]
Crema, E.R., Kandler, A., Shennan, S., (2016) Revealing patterns of cultural transmission from frequency data: equilibrium and non-equilibrium assumptions. Scientific Reports 6, 39122. [url][pdf][code]
Crema, E.R., Kerig, T., Shennan, S. (2014). Culture, Space, and Metapopulation: a simulation-based study for evaluating signals of blending and branching in archaeology. Journal of Archaeological Science, 43, 289-298.[url][pdf]
Crema, E.R., Kobayashi, K., (2020). A multi-proxy inference of Jōmon population dynamics using bayesian phase models, residential data, and summed probability distribution of 14C dates. Journal of Archaeological Science, 117, 105136. [url][request copy][code]
Crema, E.R., Lake, M. (2015) Cultural Incubators and Spread of Innovation (2015), Human Biology, 87 (3), 151-168. [url][code]
Crema, E.R. and Nishino M. (2012). Spatio-temporal distributions of Middle to Late Jomon pithouses in Oyumino, Chiba (Japan). Journal of Open Archaeology Data, 1 (2) [url][data][pdf]
Edinborough, K., Crema, E.R., Kerig, T., Shennan, S. (2015) An ABC of lithic arrowheads: A case study from southeastern France. In Brink, K., Hydén, S., Jennbert, K., Larsson,L., Olausson, D. (Eds.) Neolithic Diversities. Perspectives from a conference in Lund, Sweden, Acta Archaeologica Lundensia, Series in 8o, No. 65. Lund, pp. 213-223 [url][pdf]
Eve, S., Crema, E.R. (2014). A House with a View? Multi-model inference, visibility fields, and point process analysis of a Bronze Age settlement on Leskernick Hill (Cornwall, UK). Journal of Archaeological Science, 43, 267-277.[url][pdf]
Fort, J., Crema, E.R. Madella, M. (2015) Modeling Demic and Cultural Diffusion: An Introduction, Human Biology, 87 (3), 141-149.[url]
Kandler, A., Crema, E.R. (2019). Analysing Cultural Frequency Data: Neutral Theory and Beyond. In Handbook of Evolutionary Research in Archaeology, A. Prentiss (Eds.), Springer, pp 83-108.[url][preprint][request copy][code]
Lake, M. and Crema E.R. (2012). The cultural evolution of adaptive-trait diversity when resources are uncertain and finite, Advances in Complex Systems, 15, 1150013.[url][request copy]
Lucarini, G., Wilkinson, T., Crema, E.R., Palombini, A., Bevan, A., Broodbank, C., (2020). The MedAfriCarbon Radiocarbon Database and Web Application. Archaeological Dynamics in Mediterranean Africa, ca. 9600–700 BC. Journal of Open Archaeology Data 8, 1. [url][pdf]
Manning, K., College S., Crema, E.R., Shennan, S., Timpson, A. (2016). The Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe. EUROEVOL Dataset 1: Sites, Phases and Radiocarbon Data, Journal of Open Archaeology Data, 5: e2. [url][pdf][data]
Manning, K, Timpson, A., College, S. Crema, E.R., Edinborough, K., Kerig, T., Shennan, S. (2014). The chronology of culture. A comparative assessment of European Neolithic dating methods. Antiquity, 88. 1065-1080.[url][pdf]
Manning, K, Timpson, A., Shennan, S., Crema, E.R. (2015) Size Reduction in Early European Domestic Cattle Relates to Intensification of Neolithic Herding Strategies. PLOS ONE 10(12): e0141873.[url/pdf]
Mannino, M. A., Thomas, K.D., Crema E.R., and Leng, M.J. (2014). A matter of taste? Mode and periodicity of marine mollusc exploitation on the Mediterranean island of Favignana (Ègadi Islands, Italy) during its isolation in the early Holocene, Archaeofauna: International Journal of Archaeozoology, 23, 133-147.[url][pdf]
Mulazzani, S., Boussoffara, R., Aouadi, N., Azzarà, V., Belhouchet, L., Boujekben, A., Crema, E.R., Curci, A., Del Grande, C., Maini, E., Mannino, M., Mazzanti, C., Scaruffi, S. (2008). Entre Sahara et Méditterranée. Le peuplement de Sebkhet Halk el menjel (Tunisie Orientale) penadant l’Holocène (Campagnes 2002-2005). Africa, XXI, 189-212. [request copy]
Mulazzani, S., Boussoffara, R., Azzarà, V., Belhouchet, L., Boldrin, M. Boujekben, A., Crema, E.R., Mannino, M.A., Del Grande C., Mazzanti C., Scaruffi, S. (2008). Between the Sahara and the Mediterranean: a study of the Middle Holocene communities of the Sebkhet Halk al Menzel (Tunisia). The first three Campaigns 2002-2004, In Menozzi O., Di Marzio M. L., Fossataro D. (Eds.) SOMA 2005 Proceedings of the IX Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Chieti (Italy), 24- 26 February 2005. BAR International Series, n. 1793, Oxford: Archaeopress, pp 383-390.[request copy]
Ribéreau-Gayon, A., Rando, C., Schuliar, Y., Chapenoire, S., Crema, E.R., Claes, J., Seret, B., Maleret, V., Morgan, R.M., (2017). Extensive unusual lesions on a large number of immersed human victims found to be from cookiecutter sharks (Isistius spp.): an examination of the Yemenia plane crash. International Journal of Legal Medicine 131, 423-432.[url][Request copy]
Saag, L., et al. (2019). The Arrival of Siberian Ancestry Connecting the Eastern Baltic to Uralic Speakers further East. Current Biology 29, 1701–1711 [url][request copy]
Shennan, S., Crema, E.R., Kerig, T. (2015). Isolation-by-distance, homophily, and “core” vs. “package” cultural evolution models in Neolithic Europe. Evolution and Human Behaviour. 36 (2), 103-109.[url/code][pdf]
Timpson, A., Colledge, S., Crema, E.R., Edinborough, K., Kerig, T., Manning, K., Thomas, M.G., Shennan, S. (2014). Reconstructing regional demographies of the European Neolithic using ‘dates as data’: a new case-study using an improved method. Journal of Archaeological Science, 52, 549–557.[url][pdf]