R Packages
NEW! baorista 
baorista is an R package for analysing archaeological time-frequencies where each event is associated with chronological uncertainty. It is designed to be a Bayesian alternative to aoristic analysis. At its core baorista provides a series of utility and wrapper functions based on nimble.
- CRAN link
- GitHub link
- Associated paper: Crema 2024
Developed with Andrew Bevan, the rcarbon R package enables the calibration and analysis of radiocarbon dates, often but not exclusively for the purposes of archaeological research. It includes functions not only for basic calibration, uncalibration, and plotting of one or more dates, but also a statistical framework for building demographic and related longitudinal inferences from aggregate radiocarbon date lists, including: Monte-Carlo simulation test Timpson et al 2014, random mark permutation test (Crema et al 2016, Bevan et al 2017) point-to-point test (Edinborough et al 2017), and spatial permutation test (Crema, Bevan, and Shennan 2017).
- CRAN link
- GitHub link
- Associated Paper: Crema and Bevan 2021)
nimbleCarbon is an add-on library for the nimble R package which provides utility functions and bespoke probability distributions for Bayesian analyses of radiocarbon dates. The package is particularly suited for demographic inferences based on changing frequencies of radiocarbon dates and enables parameter estimations and model comparison.
- CRAN link
- GitHub link
- Associated Paper: Crema and Shoda 2021
cTransmission is an experimental R package developed with Anne Kandler for cultural evolutionary analyses of frequency data via approximate Bayesian computation.
- Github link